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In July 2022, it will be exactly 20 years since the first International Symposium on Bioorganometallic Chemistry was held in Paris, at the initiative of the two founding fathers of the discipline, Pr. Richard Fish and Pr. Gérard Jaouen. This memorable event was followed by several successful symposia all over the world, thanks to the proficient action of the advisory board of ISBOMC. Since 2002, the community of bioorganometallic chemists has expanded significantly and the number of articles increased from 107 to 988 to date (source WOS, Nov 21) which testifies for the vitality of this research area worldwide.

We would like to celebrate the 20th anniversary of ISBOMC’02 in the form of a one-day colloquium gathering key members of the community of bioorganometallic chemists. This event will also provide the opportunity to pay tribute to Professor Gérard Jaouen for his outstanding scientific contributions in the field of bioorganometallic chemistry. The scientific programme was built up with a double idea in mind. Plenary lectures will be given by renowned representatives of the discipline and keynote lectures by talented younger colleagues. Some of them attended ISBOMC’02 in Paris. On-site and virtual poster sessions will also be organized for the newest generation of researchers. 

The Journal of Organometallic Chemistry will support this event by publishing a special issue dedicated to Bioorganometallic Chemistry.

We sincerely hope you enjoy the scientific and social programmes and your short stay in Paris.


Bogna Rudolf & Michèle Salmain
Organizing committee



For any question, please contact us !




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